Welcome Sherry!



Please welcome our new Registered Acupuncturist Sherry!!!

Sherry (Xiaoxue) Yin         R.Ac., M.Sc., Ph.D

Xiaoxue is a CTCMPAO registered acupuncturist and TCM instructor at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine, Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was a medical doctor practicing integrated TCM and Western medicine specialized in Traumatology and Orthopaedics for over 20 years in a first-class general hospital in China before going overseas. She did her post doctoral research in the department of orthopaedics and sports medicine at University of Washington Medical Center before coming to Canada.

Xiaoxue received her medical degree in TCM and M.Sc. in integrated traumatology from Shanxi University of TCM, and Ph.D. in orthopaedic from Peking University. In addition to pain management and general practice of acupuncture, Xiaoxue is truly an expert in the area of sports medicine, traumatology/orthopaedics, and rehabilitation.

Except for clinic practice, Xiaoxue has been a TCM instructor at Eight Branches Academy of Eastern Medicine, Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ontario College of Traditional Chinese Medicine for three years. She is one of the most popular teachers and has trained numerous Acupuncture and TCM students in Toronto.

She works at the Eglinton location on Saturday.